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Wilson Mines Co.

This is the bicycle section of my otherwise mostly small-computers and electronics website.

added 10/29/18:   my paraffin-and-graphite chain-lube method which gives me 20,000+ miles on a chain and cassette, and keeps itself clean
added 8/31/24:     a bicycle potpourri, with my early cycling history (brief), plus musings on industry progress, unexpected solutions and facts, physiology, safety, science, and terminology

Yeah, that's me, heading into the mountains of Los Angeles county.

page last updated Aug 31, 2024             contact:  Garth Wilson, wilsonminesBdslextremeBcom (replacing the B's with @ and .) (southern California)  No SEO spam!  Also, do not bother me about email lists and other marketing resources.  I'm not interested.  My site is for promoting our interest, not for making money.

domain reserved 2/18/12      © Wilson Mines Co. 2012-2024