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Why I do this website:
  1. The subject matter here is a passion I like to promote, presenting an understandable computer with simple hardware and no mysterious software layers between you and the metal.  (Abstraction is still good if you can understand and control it yourself, which is why I have articles like the one on program-structure macros, or the one on simple multitasking methods, or the set of articles on stacks, to gain more power with this simple processor.  Home computers of yesteryear could have had more power, even with the same hardware, if software methods had been better-developed at the time.)

  2. Documenting ideas and projects for others forces me think things through more thoroughly, causing me to refine my ideas and sometimes catch potential problems in what I had in mind.  It really does make me better.

  3. I want to stir more ideas in the readers and hope to get feedback that's helpful for my own projects and work.

  4. I enjoy writing.  I probably enjoy it too much!  :D  That's not to say it's not work.  It's actually a ton of work, to:
    I did most of it in times that my job was slow.  (It goes in waves.)  Answering forum questions becomes easier if I can just direct someone to a web page that's already done.  If time were no object, this website would double in size, major features, and resources.

  5. As for the modules I sell, I knew up front that this would not be a money-maker.  I filed the fictitious-name statement and got the resale license only to make sure I would not be breaking any tax laws in selling these as I promote our interest.
As to why I do this web site the way I do:  I like it simple, and the goal is to make the material as clear and helpful as possible.  I've gotten plenty of compliments on this aspect.  Please don't offer to make it look more professional.  If others have related knowledge to share, I want them to see that they don't need to know graphics design or web-design software to have their own website.  The amount of html I know would fit in a thimble, but it's enough for now.  Obviously I'd have to get fancier if I were selling consumer products and had a shopping cart and took credit cards and so on.  Not now.  Since I still have so much more material I want to post, I want to just keep moving with the simple system I have going.  Thanks for understanding.

I try to get right into the subject on every page, not wasting your time like books that have their title page, copyright page, dedication page, acknowledgements page, the foreword, "About This Book" page, "About the Author" page, preface, table of contents, introduction, etc., before getting to the meat.  Everyone has too much material to read; so it's appropriate to just get to the point.  For more on how I work on the writing to make it the way it is, see this forum post.

last updated Jan 27, 2024